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Diary Empty Diary

Post by mimi Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:33 am

Posted on 9/10/2009 19:32:00

Oh, 2 and 9 make 11 so it must be a good day. I haven't been doing a lot of myspace stuff lately because I am in this crazy song writing mode. U know what is crazy? The fact that there are certain teams who are famous for cranking out these big radio hits over and over again, so, of course all the artists will go and write with them to find THE song. But most of these people are super super normal, work from 9 to 5 and have kids. Of course, they are talented, but since they have had so much success, they are not hungry anymore, I really miss working with someone who is hungry, so I'd much rather write on my own and be so excited about these tracks that I can't sleep. I think people overall, forget that we are here for only a very short time so the least we can do, is to have fun. Not like self destructive getting fucked up fun but just pure, simple, childlike fun. I went to the desert with this guy Josh, who is a producer and he had a really interesting theory about when you are trying to make up your mind about something. He said there is 4 questions u are gonna ask from yourself: 1)Is this gonna hurt me? Obviously, when something is gonna hurt you, you stop. Easy in theory, not so easy in real life. 2)Is this gonna hurt anybody else? Every thought, word and action of yours is meaningful, so meaning other people harm will definitely come back double. Again, easy to say, hard to do, but that's why we're here, right? To overcome all this crap and become who we really are. 3)Am I gonna learn something from this? Always wanna learn something. Experiences make us who we are. 4)Am I gonna have fun? Yes! Fun is important. Life is interesting and colorful with all these wonderful people and places and weird nuances. Just enjoy everything you do. If you decide to sweep floors for the rest of your life, at least be the best fucking floor sweeper in the world and give people a smile when they walk by. So the keyword for today is FUN:) loooove k

Posts : 3652
Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 33
Location : Secret Land of Mimi

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